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Knowledge Questions and Answers for Intellectual Property Standard Implementation!!

Issuing time:2017-10-20 11:43

With the development of scientific and technological innovation and the intensification of international competition environment, enterprises are facing increasingly fierce competition in the domestic and international market. Intellectual property work has become an important strategic resource for enterprises to participate in market competition and win advantages. Intellectual property work is becoming more and more important. More and more enterprises begin to attach importance to intellectual property management, and pay attention to the "Standards for Intellectual Property Management of Enterprises". The term "standard-keeping" has also been mentioned more.

A lot of people ask "what is the standard-passing"? Benefits of Standard Achievement to Enterprises? How to meet the standard? How to apply for certification? Wait a minute. I'll sort it out here for your preliminary understanding.

1. Question: What value can compliance bring to enterprises?

Answer: Achieving the standards can help enterprises to promote technological innovation by stimulating the creation of intellectual property rights; improve their market competitiveness through flexible use of intellectual property rights; support their sustainable development through comprehensive protection of intellectual property rights; and enhance their core competitiveness through systematic management of intellectual property rights.

2. Question: Which enterprises are applicable to the "Standards for the Management of Enterprise Intellectual Property Rights"?

Answer: It applies to enterprises with the following aspirations:

1. Establishing intellectual property management system;

2. Operating and continuously improving the intellectual property management system;

3. Seeking the evaluation of the intellectual property management system by external organizations.

Regardless of the type, nature and scale of the enterprise, it can be managed in accordance with its own reality and by choosing applicable terms in accordance with the norms, so as to continuously improve and enhance the level of intellectual property management of the enterprise.

3. Question: What are the management contents of the Standards for the Management of Enterprise Intellectual Property Rights?

Answer: The Code includes the construction of documentation system, basic resource management of human and property information security, horizontal basic management of intellectual property rights acquisition, maintenance, use, protection, contract management and confidentiality requirements, and vertical management of intellectual property rights running through the business lines of project establishment, R&D, procurement, production, sales and after-sale, as well as the requirements of verification and improvement.

4. Question: Which Department of the enterprise is required to meet the standard?

Answer: The principles of the implementation of the Standards for the Management of Enterprise Intellectual Property Rights are very clear, requiring strategic orientation, leadership attention and full participation. Therefore, it is a comprehensive project, not a one-man project, for all departments involved in the work of enterprise, from the top to the top and down to the intellectual property rights.

5. Question: What are the requirements for enterprises to apply for certification?


1. Enterprise intellectual property management system has been established according to GB/T 29490-2013 standard. It has been running effectively for more than three months and has been documented.

2. At least one internal audit and management review has been completed.

3. During the operation of the intellectual property management system and one year before the establishment of the system, no administrative penalty has been imposed by the relevant competent authorities.

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